7 out of 10 working age residents in KSB are the Labor Force - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumbawa Barat Regency

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7 out of 10 working age residents in KSB are the Labor Force

 7 out of 10 working age residents in KSB are the Labor Force

February 12, 2018 | BPS Activities

Based on the concept of the BPS definition, the Working Age Population is a population aged 15 years and over, while the Labor Force is a working-age population who works, or has a job but while unemployed and unemployed. In 2017, BPS noted that 94.85% of the population of West Sumbawa which is a workforce has a working status. This information can be obtained by looking at population activities during the past week. Meanwhile, 5.15% of the workforce in the KSB are unemployed, this figure includes those who are looking for work, who are preparing a business, who are not looking for work because they feel they cannot find work, and those who have already found work but have not start working. In other words, the Open Unemployment Rate in West Sumbawa Regency is 5.15%, where the unemployment rate is dominated by a population with an equivalent high school education (30.15%). The employment database at BPS, mainly obtained through the National Labor Force Survey. Recently, the West Sumbawa Regency BPS carried out the 2018 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) which was integrated with the 2018 Informal Workers Survey conducted simultaneously throughout Indonesia. The aim is to get an overview of the employment conditions in the KSB and workers in the informal sector more specifically.
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