Sakernas and SPIN - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumbawa Barat Regency

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Sakernas and SPIN

Sakernas and SPIN

February 27, 2018 | BPS Activities

The Sumbawa Barat Regency Central Bureau of Statistics conducted data collection on the National Labor Force Survey (SAKERNAS) and Informal Workers Survey (SPIN) which was held on 8-28 February 2018. Data collection of Sakernas and SPIN 2018 in West Sumbawa District was carried out on 7 scattered Census Blocks in 4 Subdistricts namely, Taliwang District, Jereweh District, Brang Ene District, and Poto Tano District. The National Labor Force Survey is a routine BPS activity designed specifically to collect data that can describe the general state of employment between periods of enumeration. The same as the previous year, SAKERNAS was held in February and August 2018. From each selected household information was collected about the general condition of each household member which included the name, relationship with the head of the household, gender, and age. For household members aged 10 years and over, information about marital status, education and employment will be asked. One of the new activities carried out by BPS to add to the variety of BPS employment data is one of them is the Survey of Informal Workers. Surveys of informal workers specifically photograph the structure of informal workers in Indonesia. The implementation of SPIN activities is integrated with the 2018 National Sakernas. SAKERNAS and SPIN 2018 data collection is expected to provide results that are in accordance with the field conditions and employment data so that it can provide an overview for stakeholders to alleviate unemployment and other social policies for the welfare of the community, especially in West Sumbawa.
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