Ubinan Survey Based KSA Methodology in October 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumbawa Barat Regency

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Ubinan Survey Based KSA Methodology in October 2018

Ubinan Survey Based KSA Methodology in October 2018

October 8, 2018 | BPS Activities

Monday, October 8, 2018, Statistics of Sumbawa Barat Regency tile team conducted data collection on the subround food crop III. The implementation of this activity is located in Tepas Village, Brang Rea Subistrict. This tile was carried out using the Area Sample Framework (KSA) basis. KSA is a sampling approach technique that uses the land area as an enumeration unit. This system is based on geographic information system technology (GIS), remote assessment, information technology, and statistics

The KSA approach is expected to be able to answer the provision of accurate and timely data and information to support the planning of the National Food Security Program.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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