December 2019: Nusa Tenggara Barat experiences inflation of 0.36 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumbawa Barat Regency

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December 2019: Nusa Tenggara Barat experiences inflation of 0.36 percent

Release Date : June 5, 2020
File Size : 0.7 MB


In December 2019, West Nusa Tenggara experienced inflation of 0.36 percent, or an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) from 136.00 in November 2019 to 136.49 in December 2019. This inflation rate is above the inflation rate nationally recorded at 0.34 percent.

For the West Nusa Tenggara region, Mataram City experienced inflation of 0.21 percent and Kota Bima experienced inflation of 0.95 percent.

West Nusa Tenggara inflation in December 2019 amounted to 0.36 percent due to price increases as indicated by the index increase in the Foodstuffs Group by 1.61 percent; Transport, Communication & Financial Services Group by 0.55 percent; Processed Food, Beverage, Cigarettes & Tobacco Group by 0,04 percent and Education, Recreation & Sports Group by 0,00 percent. While the index decline occurred in the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas & Fuel Group by 0.38 percent; Clothing Group by 0.14 percent and Health Group by 0.01 percent.

The inflation rate of West Nusa Tenggara for the December 2019 calendar year is 1.87 percent lower than the inflation for the December 2018 calendar year of 3.16 percent. Whereas the December 2019 "year-to-year" inflation rate was 1.87 percent lower than the "year-on-year" inflation rate in December 2018 of 3.16 percent.

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