Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) for February 2020 is 107.96 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumbawa Barat Regency

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Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) for February 2020 is 107.96

Release Date : June 5, 2020
File Size : 1.13 MB


Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) is a comparison of the price index received by farmers (lt) against the price index paid by farmers (lb)

NTP is one indicator to see the level of purchasing power of farmers in rural areas. NTP also shows the exchange power (terms of trade) of agricultural products with goods and services consumed as well as for production costs.

The February 2020 NTP was 107.96, up 0.73 percent compared to the previous month's NTP. The increase in NTP was due to the Farmer Received Price Index (lt) which rose by 0.96 percent, higher than the increase in the Farmers Paid Price Index (LB) of 0.23 percent.

Most of the FTT values ​​are above 100 except for the smallholder estate crops sub-sector which is only 97.12 and the fishery subsector is 99.67. The NTP of other sub-sectors are as follows: Food Crop 109.33; Horticultural Plants 111.89; and Animal Husbandry 107.26.

In February 2020, inflation occurred in rural areas in West Nusa Tenggara Province by 0.13 percent. Inflation is caused by an increase in the Household Consumption Index (IKRT) in almost all groups except the Housing, Water, Electricity and Household Fuel group.

Agricultural Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in February 2020 was 108.53, up 0.59 percent compared to January 2020 of 107.89. Most of the NTUP is valued above 100 except for the smallholder estate crops sub-sector which is only 96.65. NTUP other sub sectors respectively as follows: Food Crop 110.50; Horticultural Plants 111.18; Animal Husbandry 106.71; and Fisheries 101.67

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