BNPT collaborates with BPS Implementing the Terrorism Risk Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sumbawa Barat Regency

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BNPT collaborates with BPS Implementing the Terrorism Risk Survey

BNPT collaborates with BPS Implementing the Terrorism Risk Survey

November 2, 2018 | Other Activities

Bekasi - Terrorism is still a threat to Indonesia. The 2016 Global Terrorism Index (GTI) states that from 129 countries, Indonesia ranks 38 countries with the highest influence of terrorism. Various counter-terrorism efforts have been carried out, both in prevention and action. However, this effort is not maximal because the basis of both efforts is still very limited. Information is needed about the potential of terrorism that is able to measure and map the threat of terrorism in the territory of Indonesia.

The Terrorism Risk Index is the alternative chosen to meet these information needs. Therefore, BPS is back in collaboration with the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) conducting the 2018 Terrorism Risk Survey (SRT). This is the second SRT implementation after last year conducted on Java. For this year, it will be carried out in 68 districts / cities outside Java.

"Terrorism, extremism and transnational crime are serious problems that need to be addressed immediately. These three problems have the potential to threaten the existence of the country, "said Asep Adang Supriyadi, Principal Secretary of BNPT. The explanation about the dangers of terrorism, the activities that have been carried out for the prevention and control of terrorism have captured the attention of around 304 participants. How not, videos related to terrorism are clearly displayed in the three screens of the event room.

The "Information Outreach to Person in Charge of Activities in the Provincial BPS and Regency / City BPS and Training of 2018 SRT Assessor Officers" was opened by the Deputy of Social Statistics BPS, Margo Yuwono at Harris Bekasi Hotel, (2/11). "Resource persons or respondents in the 2018 SRT are not terrorists," said Margo. Respondents or resource persons for the 2018 SRT are security institutions and components of civil society who have a good territorial understanding. "Therefore, coordination, good relations, and communication with the speakers become important, "he added.
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source photo: BPS RI
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